bathing experiences
6 Essential Grooming Tips For Men That Every Man Should Know

Gone are the days when being a man meant having a beer belly, unkempt hair, and a scruffy 9 to 5 beard. Today’s modern man knows the importance of always looking sharp and suave. In the age of Instagram influencers and dating apps, one simply can’t leave it all to chance.
However, even in 2021, certain fellows believe that a shower routine simply means mulling yourself with soap from head to toe. Grooming oneself is an art, and this art must begin in the confines of your shower. Here are a few personal grooming tips for men that you can consider adding to your shower routine, to make your skin look younger and keep those right swipes coming.
- Find your face wash: First grooming tip, washing your face with just soap is a big no-no! The Indian skin-care market is riddled with a number of face washes for men (and women). For starters, try an exfoliating face wash, these are great in the long run but they must be used with care. You can opt for the Aramusk Shower Gels which can also be used as a face wash. This shower gel has been designed to invigorate your senses and has been crafted to take care of men’s skincare needs. From deep cleansing your skin to softening it and providing extra moisturisation, Aramusk Shower Gel works on tough skin exposed to the elements. The key is to identify your skin type and find what works for you, be it an acne-fighting or oil removal face wash.
- Correct Your Cleansing: Most men in India grew up using (and still use) run-of-the-mill shampoos, a trend that must change with the times. It’s necessary that you try more premium products such as organic, paraben-free and moisturising shampoos, or even hair fall reduction shampoos for that matter. No head of hair is perfect, but with time and effort, it can be. Also, grab a good conditioner to add some shine and silkiness to that man-bun and make your hair look truly dapper.
- Trim those twisties: Water is wet, the sky is blue, and man is hairy - Some things are a given. From your face and nose to your underarms and privates, there’s a trimmer in the market for everything. Try it before you deny it. When it comes to facial hair, in particular, there’s nothing wrong with a buzzy beard. However, an important beard care tip is that you must maintain and moisturize it the right way. Think more like a model and less like a lumberjack.
- Soak and Shower: Perhaps the most important personal grooming tip for men, and sadly the most overlooked one too, is your choice of shower gel and soap. Opting for a shower gel is a good way to switch things up, those liquid latherers can spoil you with a variety of ingredients such as menthol, musk, aloe and charcoal. Every ingredient caters to a different need. For example, Yardley’s Activated Charcoal shower gels for men cleans your pores, exfoliates your skin and reduces ageing, leaving you fresh and fragrant.
- Sunscreen Everyday: Ask any dermatologist and they’ll tell you: sunscreen can be a lifesaver. Even if you aren’t leaving your house on a daily basis, consider making sunscreens a part of your daily skincare routine. Sunscreen prevents premature ageing, sunburn and protects your skin from cancer-causing radiations. Whichever way you look at it, it’s an obvious choice.
- Go Electric: The final step to completing your self-care routine revamp is to make the switch to an electric toothbrush. After all, once you start looking fresh and live it up again, you're bound to smile a lot more. Keep your dentals dent free and pristine so that you can put up your best smile and radiate confidence. An electric toothbrush can significantly reduce plaque buildup, and save you some dough on frequent trips to the dentist. It’s an investment that pays for itself.
In the end, what’s most important is that you find a few self-grooming tips that work for you and your skin. Remember: Don’t rush the process, take your sweet time to pan out a daily care routine that is both effective and easy to follow. Implement the simpler changes today and you’ll begin to see the impact very soon. Happy grooming!
Read more: Bar Soap vs Body Wash - Which Is Better?